Face Mask Advice

The Government has recently updated its advice on Face Masks. It is important that patients are aware of these when out in the community, on public transport (including taxis) or in shops.

The latest advice can be accessed at


Some patients may be exempt from the new rules and these are likely to be if

  • You have a disability that means you cannot put a mask on.
  • You have a disability that means you cannot wear or remove a mask.
  • Putting on a face mask would cause you severe distress.
  • If you use lip reading to communicate, the person supporting you to use public transport does not have to wear a mask.
  • You do not have to wear a mask if you are using public transport to escape danger.

The Keepsafe website also gives you access to print off an exemption pass which patients can show to others like taxi drivers or bus drivers. These are not provided by the surgery.